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A quality education is one of the most powerful equalizers in society, yet too many students in Kansas City face systemic barriers to accessing rich learning experiences, particularly in their interest areas like the arts. This lack of real-world, hands-on opportunities puts youth living in economically vulnerable areas at a distinct disadvantage for developing vital skills and exploring future career paths.

In an effort to equalize the playing field and up lift the youth of the KC community, DISTRKCT was created to meet the needs of our youth in three main ways. Check them out below


Kansas City's urban core faces a significant deficit in access to programs and facilities that nurture careers in multimedia jobs. Only 15% of Kansas City schools in low-income neighborhoods offer comprehensive arts or technical programs related to audio engineering. ​This deficit leaves behind many talented students and their opportunity to understand the possibilities and realities of choosing a career path in the multimedia sector. 

The income disparities between suburban and urban-core neighborhoods is significantly larger than other parts of our region according to data from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (2022). Their data suggests that only 40% of high schools in the urban core have "updated" multimedia labs as compared to 75% in wealthier districts. Additionally, while the Department of Education qualifies these multimedia labs as updated, it has been reported that the equipment and facilities continue to fall short of industry standard and professional grade equipment. 

This lack of world-class, industry standard equipment leads to additional gaps in learning and opportunity for budding creatives making it that much more difficult for them to obtain internships, jobs, and thus success in the industry. Additionally, this deficit  leads to talented individuals having to leave the KC community to persue quality education in the multimedia sector within other cities which makes it more difficult for those from lower income areas to truly persue their passions and dreams.

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Engaging teens in structured, skill-building activities reduces crime and fosters a safer community. Studies reveal that youth programs offering creative outlets can reduce juvenile crime rates by up to 30%. In Kansas City’s urban core, where youth are disproportionately affected by violence, the DISTRKCT IS Foundation provides a transformative alternative. By keeping teens in the studio working on projects, they are not only learning valuable skills but are also kept off the streets and out of potentially harmful situations.


National research consistently indicates that the hours between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. are a peak period for youth crime, experimentation with drugs or alcohol, and other risky behaviors (Afterschool Alliance, 2014; Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 2019). In Kansas City’s urban core, the majority of families report as single-parent households and many work non-traditional hours, leaving teenagers without adult supervision. This lack of oversight contributes to higher incidences of delinquent behavior and missed academic opportunities (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2016). The DISTRKCT IS Foundation’s afterschool program directly addresses this need by providing a safe, supportive space for music production, content creation, and mentorship from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. By offering engaging, career-focused projects during these critical hours, the program  not only reduces the likelihood of negative outcomes but also fosters positive self-esteem, technical skills, and overall academic improvement.

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The DISTRKCT IS Foundation prepares students to enter dynamic creative fields by equipping them with technical proficiency, business acumen, and entrepreneurial mindset. Program alumni have gone on to launch small businesses, secure internships, and gain employment in creative industries.

Here at DISTRKCT IS we believe it is our responsibility and duty to teach and guide our children that you can, and should, turn your talents into a living breathing career to support your family. We believe that the multimedia and creative sector is more than an extra curricular course at school but can become a lucrative and fulfilling career.


This is particularly notable, as unemployment rates hover around 15% in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023). Given that creative and digital media jobs are projected to grow by 20% in the next five years (Missouri DHEWD, 2023), DISTRKCT IS aims to equip underserved students in economically vulnerable areas with the technical skills, industry standard equipment and professional mentorship they need to succeed in the rapidly expanding arts and media sector. This approach aligns with findings from ArtsKC (2021), which highlight the economic vitality of the region’s creative industries, and underscores our commitment to bridging the opportunity gap for local youth in underfunded districts.

Through real world learning, internships and mentorships, we  guide and teach our students to take control of their lives, utilize their talents, and improve their personal lives through art and creativity.

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